When life hands me a lemon…..
JESUS makes a glass of refreshing lemonade for me!


When my flesh tempts me to sin…..JESUS reminds me of the cross where He forgave me!
When my body offered me cancer…..JESUS healed me!
When my body miscarried five babies…..JESUS gave me their names and reassured me that they are safe  in heaven with him!
When the doctor said I could n’ot have kids…..JESUS gave me two beautiful children!
When my ex abused me with violence…..JESUS covered me with his angels of safety and gave me healing and comfort!
When my mind was confused and I didn’’t know what to do…..JESUS gave me guidance and his Holy Spirit gave me help!
When I was afraid…..JESUS gave me faith!
When divorce left me alone and rejected….. JESUS accepted me and reminded me that he will never leave me or forsake me!
When I didn’t think I could ever love again…..JESUS gave me a wonderful Christian husband!
Yes,  life is like a box of chocolates…..you never know what you’re going to get…..but JESUS has the flavors you will love!
Yes, it rains on the just and the unjust…..but the just have an umbrella! Come on in out of the rain…..
JESUS has a safe place of refuge for you today! – Psalms 91