I have learned to be thankful and to worship uh through this whole journey um God he’s just so amazing how he brings us he knows how to bring that good out of something that the enemy means for Destruction and evil right so um I want to share a little bit of that today but I’m going to back up a little bit and I just want to greet you and say thank you so much for coming um some of you I know already have heard my testimony so I hope I don’t bore you but uh you know in 30 minutes it’s hard to squeeze in a a year and a half of Miracles but uh you know I do the best I can but sometimes I share different things so uh if you’ve heard it before maybe you’ll hear something a little different today but uh I especially want to welcome Shirley and and her and uh her daughter Shelly and if you’d all keep her in prayer because tomorrow she goes in for some very extensive uh well tomorrow’s communication day to set up a date anyway she has to have heart surgery and it’s pretty serious so anyway we just I’m so glad you took the time to come and Jesus showed me when we were praying they were praying over me earlier and he said this room is you’re at the gate beautiful when you walk in he said this room is the pool of uh Shiloh sh shilom like Shiloh anyway he said uh when you step in you’re stepping into the water and he said receive it because when you leave here I’m touching your body and you are made whole do you see the waves up there oh yeah the waves represent the water amen so you all stepped into the pool and uh and Jesus has a different idea about the old Covenant said only one year could be healed when those Waters were stirred but when Jesus gave his life he said it’s for everybody anytime everywhere so receive it and um so I just wanted to uh say thank you especially my friends and for each and every one of you that came I just I’m just blown away I have family members here you know Patty C that’s awesome and and Debbie R thank you for coming and all my friends anyway year and a half ago um I began to feel kind of yucky and just down downhill and finally one day I was so ill that my husband said you’re going into the ER and so he took me in and they did all kinds of X-rays and tests and when they came back in the room the doctor said you know I’m sorry to tell you this but you are full of cancer my husband and I looked at each other it’s like uh whoa that wasn’t what we were expecting today and uh so he left the he said I’m going to leave you alone for a few minutes and uh cuz we he said you know maybe 6 months to live you know could be 3 years you know depending on the treatment and whatnot so we said okay thank you he left the room and Jay and I just held each other and cried and um then we began to encourage each other and say no God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind and so whose report are we going to believe are we going to believe the report of the Lord which we know says by his stripes we are healed or are we going to believe the report of the doctor now I don’t want you to think that I don’t like doctors or medicine cuz I’m involved in a lot of that you know for treatment and whatnot but at first I struggled with it because I’m a faith girl right so I struggled with that and the Lord so graciously gave me a scripture uh from the wayth translation and I opened it up specifically asking about me medical help and the verse said that these people will not dominate my faith and it said but I have given them to you to assist your joy and he said as for your faith stand and it was a clear direction to me that the Lord said stand strong in your faith but it’s okay to go and get the medical help that you need because they’re going to assist your joy well that made me happy so I thought okay I have peace about that so the first thing we did was take care of the fear and then we prayed about it where to go or doctor whatnot and um we began our journey and what a journey it’s been God right away brought people into my life to pray for me not only uh did they pray for me but they uh came to visit me they had we had acts of faith uh like the chaar blown over me you all know Woody and Carolyn wonderful couple and and love to pray they came to my house and um and uh probably just woke up all the neighbors blown that show far over me but but my whole body just quivered and shook it was so uh impacting and anointed when he blew that show far but uh many people have prayed and I want you to know how grateful I am that I have praying friends and that you all were willing to pray for me and I have specific scriptures that the Lord told me that anyone that told me they were praying for me to pray these scriptures over for you and so if you prayed for me you have been prayed Paul’s prayers through the Ephesians I I prayed those prayers and I’ve got them written up in my notebook I brought my notebook did you bring your sleeping bag I brought this little notebook to show you what I put together um scriptures and I’m only going to use maybe two or three of them honest but this has helped me when there was a scripture that ministered to me so much I had to write it out and I learned uh and can memorize scripture better if I’ve written it out and so I would write it out and put it in this notebook and then I had a notebook to open up on my lap and to go to that verse and just to be re uh reminded of what God has spoken to me already um [Music] one of the first things I said Thanksgiving is so important because when I started um this journey oh I didn’t tell you I was diagnosed with um breast cancer that had metastasized into my blood and my bones and according to all of the tests and the x-rays and pet scans and stuff um there was cancer they said in every Bound in my body and um and they gave me like I said three you know six months or whatever maybe three years with chemotherapy and radiation and uh so it was a real struggle to know you know to to get that all in wrap around my head and think you know I I can’t die now I’m too young you know but you know how the enemy will come along and and torment you with thoughts and dreams I had some dreams at night that I espicially want to share about one but um before I get there I just want to remind you that the word of God is the most powerful medicine that you can take when you’re sick and and you have an issue that you’re praying about the word is alive the word is Jesus Christ it says in John that the word was made flesh and dwelt among us we know that was Jesus and the word uh is inspired by the Holy Ghost and it is alive but it’s just like a bottle of medicine if you leave it sitting on the counter or by your bed and you never open it and take a pill that’s not doing you any good is it except maybe collecting a little dust but it’s the same with the word it won’t do you that much good if you don’t get it in you so you’ve got to uh I I was looking up healing scriptures I was listening to Healing um videos uh I was meditating on scriptures and finding out just what does the Lord have to say about this so one of the most powerful things of course is taking communion because God showed me a long time ago about the blood and I know all of you are uh much aware about the blood of Jesus and the power there is in his blood and so I began to study that and begin to take community really often and um one thing he showed me when we first began is if you cut your hands like this for me just kind of make a like a taco shell right okay Envision that as um the blood of Jesus that’s one of his drops of blood and then inside he put my blood cell and he showed me that in a vision he said he said I protecting your blood with my blood and so sure enough there was no the Mira first miracle there was no cancer in my brain and there was no cancer in my um in what organs oh my organs thank you I just love Debbie so much sometimes sometimes when I speak I get a little nervous and I said Lord how can I speak in front of all these women that are so powerful and strong and faithful and you know who am I you know and he just reminds me again so sweetly it’s not about me it’s about him anyway it’s his story and uh I appreciate Debbie filling that word in for me because I kind of Forgotten but yeah the cancer did not go into any of my organs in fact the last report that I got on my blood work two weeks ago was that it Not only was a beautiful report she used the word beautiful but she said your liver and your cancer um show shows they are simply beautiful is what she called them simply beautiful so um that along with the doctor Spokan uh saying that my progress is miraculous um she was she came in with the report and she was stammering and saying do you know what this means to me and and uh she was saying you you you’re just you know then she would say it’s a it’s a and she wanted to say Miracle but she just couldn’t quite get it out and Jay said it’s okay if you say miracle and she laughed and she said well it is it’s simply miraculous and so uh my blood markers uh the cancer markers started up around 400 it’s was 390 something and they kept uh dropping each month when that go and visit her and uh when they they got down around 9 uh the last time I think they quit doing the blood thing for cancer but she she said uh with the last pet scan I see no um concerning activity wow which is amazing that she used that terminology because the lord gave me the scripture uh during this journey that um that he will perfect that which concerns me and so when she said there’s no concerning activity said okay I’ll take that wow so we’re still working on strength we’re still uh getting infusions uh to build my bones but I got through the major you know part of all that and God just restored my health I started out in a wheelchair went to the Walker then went to a cane and and uh then began to walk by myself and the Lord holding my hand so I just want to encourage you about the word and the The Little Chorus that encouraged me and kept me going we sing at Bible study all the time you can sing it with me if you want oh the word is working Mighty in me the word is working Mighty in me no matter what the circumstance or what I feel or see I know the word is working my in me so that word the Holy Spirit uses it and it knows exactly where it needs to go in your body to do its work you can just rest when you know that you rest you rest in his love and one thing I had to learn was his love is healing it’s so powerful and I thought I knew the love of God until I began this journey I I thought I knew me too what was in my heart but he showed me so many things and I would look in the mirror my body was changing oh my goodness I was having so many changes and I didn’t like what I saw my hair was falling out and I was getting clumps here and there and and you know but I’ve been having f not shopping and my hair is keep coming back but uh the Lord was saying to me he he said Glo he reminded me of the scripture in Acts where it says he uh put us in the families that he wanted us in he put us in the in the boundaries he put the boundaries on our life and put us in the in the nation where he wants us and so I had to repent I had un forgiveness in my heart and part of it was towards God he said I had to forgive him and I didn’t realize that I had unforgiveness towards him for making me who he made me I had uh I had family members to forgive I had to forgive um dentists that’s another story a miracle I happened but there were there were things the Lord just kept bringing up and saying you need to deal with this you need to deal with this and the one thing about his love is that I learned is that I cannot love you or or others or even myself until I know that he loves me when I know that I am loved then I can love when I know I am forgiven then I can forgive when I know who he is that I can be who he’s called me to be and and um so he began to tell me to speak life and blessing to me when I would look in the mirror and start blessing my body you know I didn’t like my big Knuckles and my big bones cuz I felt like my dad and uh you know I kind of complained about this and that and uh but you know what I found out I could I love my hands and my my fingers and stuff when I could replay the piano and I could replay the tambourine at church cuz at first I could not I had no strength to to play the tambourine anymore it hurt so bad and I had I had no way to play the piano my fingers wouldn’t cooperate at all and it just made me so sad and so I just took that to the Lord and when I repented for not liking the way he made me then you know I began to heal in those areas and I remember being able to play the tambourine first time at church I was so so happy and then when I could play the piano and sit down and play because that means so much to me to be able just to sit and worship and Andie really you understand that you know just when it’s between you and God it’s just doesn’t have to be pretty or on tune or anything but it’s special because it brings the presence of God and that’s where the healing is is in the presence of God go and so much around us there’s so much noise and confusion and and you know things going on so it’s so important to come back to that quiet time and be still and know that I am God I told you I’d share a little bit about um Woody and Carolyn and and my other friend Carolyn I have another friend um for a few days Jay and I were listening to uh oh I’m so thankful you guys for a Christian husband a godly man you know God has brought us so far we’ve been married 41 almost 41 years but uh we’ve learned so much in our marriage that I could not have gone through this journey without him when it first started I could not do a thing I was wheelchair bound and had no strength like I said I could open anything or carry anything he just he just was amazing he was my rock he still is but but I do a few more chores around the house now I can’t get away with you know honey bring me some soup I can make my own soup let the dogs out oh I can do that too now so but um lost my train of thought there oh Carolyn Carolyn and Woody and Barbara and her husband um Ruben they came over one day to pray for us and um like I said they blew the Shar and and um and then um my other friend Carolyn had called me the day before and she we prayed and the Holy Spirit just Zapped both of us and we were just weeping and she said I see the Holy Spirit just coming and blowing through your bones and she said I believe he’s blowing the cancer out of your bones and I really bore witness with that because we’ve been listening to Ezekiel 37 um about the dry bones and they sh you know breathe on them they shall live again and uh we’ve been we’ve been listening to song about Rama uh bones rattling and things like that anyway so my husband and I were singing this little gdy and if we were saying one the day day or so before this happened um I want a rama I want a a rama from my Raa yall know what a rama word is a personal word and Jehovah Rafa of course means the word that he with me so I was I was saying I want a rama for my Rafa Raa come out aama anyway that was kind of our little thing for a day or two and then we get this phone call from uh Carolyn and she prayed with me and then she had that Vision about the Holy Spirit breathing through me and so then Woody and Carolyn come over and and pray and they were blowing the chofar on me and I kid you not have never heard anyone blow the chofar that long and that hard that anointed it was powerful we all have tears streaming down our face and the presence of the Lord is so awesome but during that time we’re praying in tongues tongues and interpretation that’s so powerful if you all haven’t ever received that amazing amazing gift because God is helping you to pray according to God’s will so so many things we don’t know how to pray for it but he does and he’ll pray according to God’s will when you pray in the spirit so we were praying in the spirit and uh Barbara said I keep getting this word Asha AB or something like so funny anyway the main word that stuck out to me was Bashan and so we were talking about that what what that mean what’s God saying and so we were just kind of listening to this Holy Spirit and I immediately thought of Psalms 22 and Jesus on the cross was describing what he was feeling and what he was going through and at one point he said um I feel like I’m in Circ or he said I’m encircled about with the bulls of Bashan the Bulls of Bashan were the most fierce dangerous um biggest strongest animals in that time in that country and uh in a very wealthy part of the the nation but everybody knew them as bulls that were wanting to gore and tear you apart and Jesus felt that on the cross well let me go back a year before this I had a dream about a bull and I was fighting this bull he had run up the ramp and was trying to get in the house and my dad and my husband were out well on the horses and trying to R ground up some cows and and the bull that got loose and he was vicious and so he come up the ramp and and he broke through the top part of the door and I was I was shoving at him and poking him and trying to get free and then my ring caught my wedding band caught in his hair and I was so terrorized so I thought he was going to bust in you know gor to death anyway finally um I woke up and of course talking to the Lord about all that I I just jotted down that you know that I would have some battles ahead of me but I had no idea what cuz this was like a year before all this happened well then when I was diagnosed with cancer I had two or three I think it was three more dreams about bulls fighting a bull and um so one of them was so so amazing I was screaming trying to get that out and kicking and I woke up all three dogs and my husband and he calmed me down and said you know gave me peace and the lord gave me peace and I realized it was a Dream well back to Jesus on the cross this is what he showed me is that the first Dream he was preparing me that because the wedding band got caught in the bull as I was fighting that Jay and I would be fighting a battle together and so that was cool didn’t know that part then he said the next part the ter terrorizing uh dreams about fighting bulls were um Were Meant of course to to give me fear but it was to describe what Jesus went through on the cross and he said blow anything that robs your peace I bore it for you and he said when I was terrorized on the cross and I had visions of the those Bulls of aan Goring me to death he said I saw you and I knew you you would have those dreams and be terrorized and so God turned that whole thing around and gave me so much peace and Set Me Free From Fear I’ve never had any more nightmares at all since that happened God’s so beautiful and he wants us to live in peace and so anything that robs your peace that makes you stress out or anxious take it to the Lord he’s already felt that he’s already gone through that for you and won the victory he said for this reason was the son of God manifest to destroy the works of the evil one just a couple of little quick Miracles because you all are as radical as I am so you’ll believe this is God Angels were involved um we were we were in U Spokane and in a motel room and I had lost 50 lbs or so in two months and my ring was really loose I was twirling it sitting on the bed but so tired I wanted to go to bed and go to sleep and and I I don’t know if I said it out loud but I I was thinking you know I really need to move that ring to my middle finger it’s going to fall off one of these days I was too tired to think about it so I went to bed went to sleep excuse me the next morning I woke up and there was no ring on my finger at all I said whoa where did my wedding ring go Jay was all frantic tearing the bed apart he helped me and we stripped the bed under it looked under all the furniture you know just went through everything no ring and so we talked to the front desk when we left and told them about it they said they’d keep an eye out and return it you know if if they found it so we came home it was about a week later and um I went in to uh get ready to go somewhere and I took my little jewelry box that I hadn’t opened since I was in Spokan and I unzipped it and to to get ready and right there on the top of it was my ring sitting right there on the top shelf thank you shut your guest is as good as mine but I have no other explanation except an angel had fun with this one cuz we were in Spokan and I when I found it it was in my bathroom you know we live 17 miles out of L so but I’m glad the Angels knew where to bring it so I’m so happy to get it back and then just a couple other real quick uh Miracles you might be interested in is I found actually I’ll just tell about one but uh twice now I i’ i’ lost um a pair of earrings well one earring that my dad had given my mom and they were real precious to me and I didn’t want to lose it cuz I wore it every now and then with purple thingies on it anyway um I was so bmed and we looked and looked and could find it one day at the Cancer Center down here in Liston it was a rainy day snowy kind of nasty and we went to get in the car and I saw something sparkling down there on the the around and I turned around I looked I said Jay look my earring and I went picked up that earring and that was my mom’s earring you know that I was so bed about losing and the only thing I can think of we hadn’t been there to that cancer center down here in Lon for 2 weeks so how’d it get there on the ground so I’ve had that happen at least three times with jewelry so God knows he he knows how to get me to laugh so I want to give you before I share a couple verses here real quick the doctor’s report I’ve already told you was positive um the last few times but some of her wording uh was so amazing right at first the the first the second time we went up there and I was beginning to show some progress uh she as she was leaving the room she turned around and winked at me and she said and smiled and she said I think we’re on the right path and God had given me that scripture earlier about the path of the just gets brighter and brighter so I said okay there’s something I can agree with that the doctor is saying that my path we’re on the right path but she used the words great fantastic wonderful beautiful um marvelous miraculous simply beautiful and no concerning activ ity um and you wrap those all up and seems to me that agrees with the word no weapon formed against you can prosper and by his stripes we are healed amen amen um one real quick story I want to tell you that I have left out before and my husband reminds me cuz he’s involved in it I love him so much um excuse me the word says perfect love casts out fear and uh I have always had this uh thing against dentists and um they told me before I could start treatment I had to have a clearance from the dentist that meant I had to go not only have thorough cleaning but I had to have any work done that needed to be done and I did need some work done and I needed a um some Roots taken out um root canals anyway so we had to go through that but we decided to do the sedation so that I wouldn’t have to go through that and so I was at peace with that I’m going to get I’m Be Sedated I won’t you know don’t feel anything and we can get this clearance out of the way and I can go get my treatment well God had a plan set this girl free so we went to spok hand of the appointment we go in and start getting all ready and the doctor comes in and and we said something about being sedated and he said we don’t sedate in this office I said we said well that’s what we came for and that’s what the doctor ordered and that’s you know what our understanding was and he said oh no we just give you laughing gas and a shot you know and that’s all we do and so we were we were really like oh okay shot you know and I was just really stressing and U uh so and in the meantime the Lord has showed me dentists that I needed to forgive three of them one of them has long gone to heaven hopefully that um my when he NE through he said I’ll I’ll leave through you guys talk about it what do you want to do we can just get that done today if you want to you know jump up there in the chair and get her done so I was crying and I said I can’t do this Jay he said he said glow we have just this window of opportunity before you can start your treatment and and you have to have the dental clearance complete before we can do that and we need to get the treatment going and so he he just reached down and took my hand and looked me in the eyes and I have never felt from him the love of God like I did that day and he said low you are the strongest woman I know and he said you can get up there and get that dental work done we need it done today and he said you know you can do it and it was like a breath of fresh air from Heaven just filled my heart and I said okay I recognize that as you father using my husband so I climbed up in a chair he went and got the dentist he came in and I assumed I would have to like almost grip my teeth except I couldn’t do that out with my mouth open but he just all I felt was a little prick of the deadening needle and 2 minutes later he went he said well that was easy and he said we’re done you’re done he said yeah I told you it wouldn’t be take much to get him out of there I was so shocked and I knew that I had gotten another miracle because God wanted me to understand that perfect love casts out fear and he’s the only one with the perfect love so but we can be vessels of that at that moment my husband was a vessel of that perfect love so we can spread that amongst each other isn’t that wonderful right when this whole journey started I forgot to tell you that my husband took me in the wheelchair and we went with another pastor friend and we went to the north Georgia Revival in uh in Georgia I don’t know if any of you heard about it Dawsonville Georgia but um they’ve been in Revival now for um I think they’re on week 370 or 390 or something like that anyway Miracle after Miracle after Miracles happening when they baptize them in the water and uh god Set this all up they started with one baptismal and they’ve gone to four now in the church and every Sunday night they have people come from all over the the world and they are healed when they’re baptized in that water it’s not the water but the water it is it holds the presence in the enting of the Holy Spirit the Healer and so we went uh we felt led to go and he had to help me every step of the way he had to dress me I mean I just didn’t have any strength to do anything and getting in and off the airplane and going through the airports and stuff was quite a challenge and he was so gracious and helpful and uh so was our pastor friend Steve Kingsley and uh we we were I was baptized and Jay got in too and into the water and they baptized us and uh and then I just came home just with that knowing I didn’t have any Visible Changes right away but I knew that I’d been in the presence of the Lord I knew that water was a symbol of the presence of the Living Water that we talked about and being dipped in the pool like the Lord said today that you guys don’t have to go to Georgia you can be right here you’re in the pool just receive it today I hope I shared what I should share you know that God has been so amazing all the scriptures and the and the direction that he gave me I did have radiation um for I only had to have like five um plate holes um whatever they do radiated but uh they explained to me that I was I had so much cancer in my pelvic and hips that I could sit down too hard on a chair and break break bones and I had to be really really careful not just about uh not being around people cuz I couldn’t have my immune system compromised but I had to be really careful not to fall or to break anything and so they explained to me about how vital it was at least those five spots needed to be zapped with radiation and that was again another miracle the doctor ended up praying for me and I prayed for him and he was a Christian so it just amazing the way the Lord just LED our steps I told you about the Bulls of Bashan I forgot to tell you the scripture God gave me after Jesus talked about being encircled by those and he took whatever would Rob my peace then he led me to this scripture and it says you have made me strong as a charging bull your anointing has made me strong and mighty you’ve empowered my life for Triumph by pouring fresh oil over me isn’t that an amazing scripture that’s in the passion Psalms 9210 and um wa did I grapple the back I thought there you go devil you’re trying to steal my joy and my peace and and you can’t do that because God’s made me the charging bull I want to encourage you to let us hold fast the confession of our hope hope is number one if you don’t have hope and make plans for a future then the enemy will give you plenty of plans for your death when you’re sick and you’ve been given a Destin you think about that a lot and so don’t plan your funeral don’t plan you know to die plan to live and the Lord actually had me write a list of goals and dreams and visions and things that I could see myself doing down the road holding my grandbaby and my great granddaughter I’m riding the four-wheeler around the ranch and the first day I could do that was just a joy so I’m so thrilled you know to be able to have strength to do things now I’m just so thankful anyway he says to hang on to that hope let us hold fast the confession of Our Hope without wavering for he who promised is faithful so when you pray tell him that you know he is faithful When you pray tell him that you know that you’re precious to him you know that he loves you so much you know that he shed his blood for you so you could live when you tell him those things he loves it he wants you well he wants you to be healed this is no surprise to him when you get diagnosed he saw this the day you were born he wrot wrote your name on the palm of his hand and Psalms 139 says that he had your life all planned out since before you were born and there’s more than enough Mercy every morning his mercies are new and he’s got more than enough grace and mercy to cover that day and we only have to live one day at a time but do make a a goal list a life list choose life the Bible said to choose life so my uh key verse for my body and my um continuation is uh walking it out is that my body glows with health and my very bones vibrate with life I just love that uh Proverbs 38 in the message I’ll say it again my body glows with health and my very bones vibrate with life not with cancer with life and Jesus said when we eat his flesh and drink his blood we are ingesting life eternal life and the more life you get in you what happens to the death what happens to the darkness take in life and light and the Darkness has to flee so that’s why communion has been such an important part of my walk and then um this one Christ will be magnified and he’ll get glory and praise in this body of mine and he will be boldly exalted in my person and um there are so many so many scriptures um Jesus said uh he he was um coming back to the Pharisees that didn’t like him much and uh he said the prince of this world has nothing in me so uh and then he said as I am so are you in this world so uh I had to think Jesus my life is hid in Christ Jesus and Jesus had nothing of Satan in him and so cancer can’t be there in Jesus right he can’t be in me me cuz my life is hid in Christ and so that became very special to me too and then I thought I had one more but um okay I’m going to wrap it up with 2 Corinthians 4:9 and it says we are pressed on every Side by troubles anybody ever feel like they’ve been pressed by troubles but I love this but we are not crushed we are perplexed but we’re not driven to despair we are hunted down but we’re never abandoned by God we get knocked down but we are not destroyed so you and I are Victors we’re not victims we’re Overcomers amen and Jesus made is that way he bore it all for us and I love what Karen said you know we praying ahead of time is you know just how did you say that um he wouldn’t he’s not the thief he’s not going to take it away from you and if you lost it you’ve lost your joy You’ve Lost Your Health infusion and stuff um I was shocked at how God had replaced that with compassion so much love and compassion for the people that going through that sorry I think there might be a little bit still there but you know those people don’t have hope they don’t know that there’s hope they don’t know that there’s healing and we have to tell them we have to tell them they’re just looking for a smile that’s right they’re looking for a that’s right they’re looking for somebody to say that they are worth something they are valuable yes amen they belong in this world right now for this time amen amen sorry I didn’t know that was going to hit me but um feel free to take my testimony and and give it out in fact I’ve thought about going down and I would go with any of you uh to the cancer center down here and and pray with people as they leave and and just give them one of these I’ve had several opportunities to pray with people and give them my testimony in Spokan at the in the um chemotherapy room when I go in for my infusion for my bone strengthen her and uh what a blessing you know that’s our purpose amen our purpose as New Covenant Believers we’re supposed to be dispensers amen I love the way it says in Corinthians that we are dispensers of his Covenant of his love so see is not for cancer for me C is for Covenant so I want to thank you all for listening and thank you for praying for me and I appreciate continued prayers God’s doing a great thing and and he wants you well too so I will continue praying for you you lead us in communion pardon me you lead us in communion absolutely




Before and After Pet scans


I have learned to be thankful and to worship uh through this whole journey um God he's just so amazing how he brings us he knows how to bring that good out of something that the enemy means for Destruction and evil right so um I want to share a little bit of that today but I'm going to back up a little bit and I just want to greet you and say thank you so much for coming um some of you I know already have heard my testimony so I hope I don't bore you but uh you know in 30 minutes it's hard to squeeze in a a year and a half of Miracles but uh you know I do the best I can but sometimes I share different things so uh if you've heard it before maybe you'll hear something a little different today but uh I especially want to welcome Shirley and and her and uh her daughter Shelly and if you'd all keep her in prayer because tomorrow she goes in for some very extensive uh well tomorrow's communication day to set up a date anyway she has to have heart surgery and it's pretty serious so anyway we just I'm so glad you took the time to come and Jesus showed me when we were praying they were praying over me earlier and he said this room is you're at the gate beautiful when you walk in he said this room is the pool of uh Shiloh sh shilom like Shiloh anyway he said uh when you step in you're stepping into the water and he said receive it because when you leave here I'm touching your body and you are made whole do you see the waves up there oh yeah the waves represent the water amen so you all stepped into the pool and uh and Jesus has a different idea about the old Covenant said only one year could be healed when those Waters were stirred but when Jesus gave his life he said it's for everybody anytime everywhere so receive it and um so I just wanted to uh say thank you especially my friends and for each and every one of you that came I just I'm just blown away I have family members here you know Patty C that's awesome and and Debbie R thank you for coming and all my friends anyway year and a half ago um I began to feel kind of yucky and just down downhill and finally one day I was so ill that my husband said you're going into the ER and so he took me in and they did all kinds of X-rays and tests and when they came back in the room the doctor said you know I'm sorry to tell you this but you are full of cancer my husband and I looked at each other it's like uh whoa that wasn't what we were expecting today and uh so he left the he said I'm going to leave you alone for a few minutes and uh cuz we he said you know maybe 6 months to live you know could be 3 years you know depending on the treatment and whatnot so we said okay thank you he left the room and Jay and I just held each other and cried and um then we began to encourage each other and say no God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind and so whose report are we going to believe are we going to believe the report of the Lord which we know says by his stripes we are healed or are we going to believe the report of the doctor now I don't want you to think that I don't like doctors or medicine cuz I'm involved in a lot of that you know for treatment and whatnot but at first I struggled with it because I'm a faith girl right so I struggled with that and the Lord so graciously gave me a scripture uh from the wayth translation and I opened it up specifically asking about me medical help and the verse said that these people will not dominate my faith and it said but I have given them to you to assist your joy and he said as for your faith stand and it was a clear direction to me that the Lord said stand strong in your faith but it's okay to go and get the medical help that you need because they're going to assist your joy well that made me happy so I thought okay I have peace about that so the first thing we did was take care of the fear and then we prayed about it where to go or doctor whatnot and um we began our journey and what a journey it's been God right away brought people into my life to pray for me not only uh did they pray for me but they uh came to visit me they had we had acts of faith uh like the chaar blown over me you all know Woody and Carolyn wonderful couple and and love to pray they came to my house and um and uh probably just woke up all the neighbors blown that show far over me but but my whole body just quivered and shook it was so uh impacting and anointed when he blew that show far but uh many people have prayed and I want you to know how grateful I am that I have praying friends and that you all were willing to pray for me and I have specific scriptures that the Lord told me that anyone that told me they were praying for me to pray these scriptures over for you and so if you prayed for me you have been prayed Paul's prayers through the Ephesians I I prayed those prayers and I've got them written up in my notebook I brought my notebook did you bring your sleeping bag I brought this little notebook to show you what I put together um scriptures and I'm only going to use maybe two or three of them honest but this has helped me when there was a scripture that ministered to me so much I had to write it out and I learned uh and can memorize scripture better if I've written it out and so I would write it out and put it in this notebook and then I had a notebook to open up on my lap and to go to that verse and just to be re uh reminded of what God has spoken to me already um [Music] one of the first things I said Thanksgiving is so important because when I started um this journey oh I didn't tell you I was diagnosed with um breast cancer that had metastasized into my blood and my bones and according to all of the tests and the x-rays and pet scans and stuff um there was cancer they said in every Bound in my body and um and they gave me like I said three you know six months or whatever maybe three years with chemotherapy and radiation and uh so it was a real struggle to know you know to to get that all in wrap around my head and think you know I I can't die now I'm too young you know but you know how the enemy will come along and and torment you with thoughts and dreams I had some dreams at night that I espicially want to share about one but um before I get there I just want to remind you that the word of God is the most powerful medicine that you can take when you're sick and and you have an issue that you're praying about the word is alive the word is Jesus Christ it says in John that the word was made flesh and dwelt among us we know that was Jesus and the word uh is inspired by the Holy Ghost and it is alive but it's just like a bottle of medicine if you leave it sitting on the counter or by your bed and you never open it and take a pill that's not doing you any good is it except maybe collecting a little dust but it's the same with the word it won't do you that much good if you don't get it in you so you've got to uh I I was looking up healing scriptures I was listening to Healing um videos uh I was meditating on scriptures and finding out just what does the Lord have to say about this so one of the most powerful things of course is taking communion because God showed me a long time ago about the blood and I know all of you are uh much aware about the blood of Jesus and the power there is in his blood and so I began to study that and begin to take community really often and um one thing he showed me when we first began is if you cut your hands like this for me just kind of make a like a taco shell right okay Envision that as um the blood of Jesus that's one of his drops of blood and then inside he put my blood cell and he showed me that in a vision he said he said I protecting your blood with my blood and so sure enough there was no the Mira first miracle there was no cancer in my brain and there was no cancer in my um in what organs oh my organs thank you I just love Debbie so much sometimes sometimes when I speak I get a little nervous and I said Lord how can I speak in front of all these women that are so powerful and strong and faithful and you know who am I you know and he just reminds me again so sweetly it's not about me it's about him anyway it's his story and uh I appreciate Debbie filling that word in for me because I kind of Forgotten but yeah the cancer did not go into any of my organs in fact the last report that I got on my blood work two weeks ago was that it Not only was a beautiful report she used the word beautiful but she said your liver and your cancer um show shows they are simply beautiful is what she called them simply beautiful so um that along with the doctor Spokan uh saying that my progress is miraculous um she was she came in with the report and she was stammering and saying do you know what this means to me and and uh she was saying you you you're just you know then she would say it's a it's a and she wanted to say Miracle but she just couldn't quite get it out and Jay said it's okay if you say miracle and she laughed and she said well it is it's simply miraculous and so uh my blood markers uh the cancer markers started up around 400 it's was 390 something and they kept uh dropping each month when that go and visit her and uh when they they got down around 9 uh the last time I think they quit doing the blood thing for cancer but she she said uh with the last pet scan I see no um concerning activity wow which is amazing that she used that terminology because the lord gave me the scripture uh during this journey that um that he will perfect that which concerns me and so when she said there's no concerning activity said okay I'll take that wow so we're still working on strength we're still uh getting infusions uh to build my bones but I got through the major you know part of all that and God just restored my health I started out in a wheelchair went to the Walker then went to a cane and and uh then began to walk by myself and the Lord holding my hand so I just want to encourage you about the word and the The Little Chorus that encouraged me and kept me going we sing at Bible study all the time you can sing it with me if you want oh the word is working Mighty in me the word is working Mighty in me no matter what the circumstance or what I feel or see I know the word is working my in me so that word the Holy Spirit uses it and it knows exactly where it needs to go in your body to do its work you can just rest when you know that you rest you rest in his love and one thing I had to learn was his love is healing it's so powerful and I thought I knew the love of God until I began this journey I I thought I knew me too what was in my heart but he showed me so many things and I would look in the mirror my body was changing oh my goodness I was having so many changes and I didn't like what I saw my hair was falling out and I was getting clumps here and there and and you know but I've been having f not shopping and my hair is keep coming back but uh the Lord was saying to me he he said Glo he reminded me of the scripture in Acts where it says he uh put us in the families that he wanted us in he put us in the in the boundaries he put the boundaries on our life and put us in the in the nation where he wants us and so I had to repent I had un forgiveness in my heart and part of it was towards God he said I had to forgive him and I didn't realize that I had unforgiveness towards him for making me who he made me I had uh I had family members to forgive I had to forgive um dentists that's another story a miracle I happened but there were there were things the Lord just kept bringing up and saying you need to deal with this you need to deal with this and the one thing about his love is that I learned is that I cannot love you or or others or even myself until I know that he loves me when I know that I am loved then I can love when I know I am forgiven then I can forgive when I know who he is that I can be who he's called me to be and and um so he began to tell me to speak life and blessing to me when I would look in the mirror and start blessing my body you know I didn't like my big Knuckles and my big bones cuz I felt like my dad and uh you know I kind of complained about this and that and uh but you know what I found out I could I love my hands and my my fingers and stuff when I could replay the piano and I could replay the tambourine at church cuz at first I could not I had no strength to to play the tambourine anymore it hurt so bad and I had I had no way to play the piano my fingers wouldn't cooperate at all and it just made me so sad and so I just took that to the Lord and when I repented for not liking the way he made me then you know I began to heal in those areas and I remember being able to play the tambourine first time at church I was so so happy and then when I could play the piano and sit down and play because that means so much to me to be able just to sit and worship and Andie really you understand that you know just when it's between you and God it's just doesn't have to be pretty or on tune or anything but it's special because it brings the presence of God and that's where the healing is is in the presence of God go and so much around us there's so much noise and confusion and and you know things going on so it's so important to come back to that quiet time and be still and know that I am God I told you I'd share a little bit about um Woody and Carolyn and and my other friend Carolyn I have another friend um for a few days Jay and I were listening to uh oh I'm so thankful you guys for a Christian husband a godly man you know God has brought us so far we've been married 41 almost 41 years but uh we've learned so much in our marriage that I could not have gone through this journey without him when it first started I could not do a thing I was wheelchair bound and had no strength like I said I could open anything or carry anything he just he just was amazing he was my rock he still is but but I do a few more chores around the house now I can't get away with you know honey bring me some soup I can make my own soup let the dogs out oh I can do that too now so but um lost my train of thought there oh Carolyn Carolyn and Woody and Barbara and her husband um Ruben they came over one day to pray for us and um like I said they blew the Shar and and um and then um my other friend Carolyn had called me the day before and she we prayed and the Holy Spirit just Zapped both of us and we were just weeping and she said I see the Holy Spirit just coming and blowing through your bones and she said I believe he's blowing the cancer out of your bones and I really bore witness with that because we've been listening to Ezekiel 37 um about the dry bones and they sh you know breathe on them they shall live again and uh we've been we've been listening to song about Rama uh bones rattling and things like that anyway so my husband and I were singing this little gdy and if we were saying one the day day or so before this happened um I want a rama I want a a rama from my Raa yall know what a rama word is a personal word and Jehovah Rafa of course means the word that he with me so I was I was saying I want a rama for my Rafa Raa come out aama anyway that was kind of our little thing for a day or two and then we get this phone call from uh Carolyn and she prayed with me and then she had that Vision about the Holy Spirit breathing through me and so then Woody and Carolyn come over and and pray and they were blowing the chofar on me and I kid you not have never heard anyone blow the chofar that long and that hard that anointed it was powerful we all have tears streaming down our face and the presence of the Lord is so awesome but during that time we're praying in tongues tongues and interpretation that's so powerful if you all haven't ever received that amazing amazing gift because God is helping you to pray according to God's will so so many things we don't know how to pray for it but he does and he'll pray according to God's will when you pray in the spirit so we were praying in the spirit and uh Barbara said I keep getting this word Asha AB or something like so funny anyway the main word that stuck out to me was Bashan and so we were talking about that what what that mean what's God saying and so we were just kind of listening to this Holy Spirit and I immediately thought of Psalms 22 and Jesus on the cross was describing what he was feeling and what he was going through and at one point he said um I feel like I'm in Circ or he said I'm encircled about with the bulls of Bashan the Bulls of Bashan were the most fierce dangerous um biggest strongest animals in that time in that country and uh in a very wealthy part of the the nation but everybody knew them as bulls that were wanting to gore and tear you apart and Jesus felt that on the cross well let me go back a year before this I had a dream about a bull and I was fighting this bull he had run up the ramp and was trying to get in the house and my dad and my husband were out well on the horses and trying to R ground up some cows and and the bull that got loose and he was vicious and so he come up the ramp and and he broke through the top part of the door and I was I was shoving at him and poking him and trying to get free and then my ring caught my wedding band caught in his hair and I was so terrorized so I thought he was going to bust in you know gor to death anyway finally um I woke up and of course talking to the Lord about all that I I just jotted down that you know that I would have some battles ahead of me but I had no idea what cuz this was like a year before all this happened well then when I was diagnosed with cancer I had two or three I think it was three more dreams about bulls fighting a bull and um so one of them was so so amazing I was screaming trying to get that out and kicking and I woke up all three dogs and my husband and he calmed me down and said you know gave me peace and the lord gave me peace and I realized it was a Dream well back to Jesus on the cross this is what he showed me is that the first Dream he was preparing me that because the wedding band got caught in the bull as I was fighting that Jay and I would be fighting a battle together and so that was cool didn't know that part then he said the next part the ter terrorizing uh dreams about fighting bulls were um Were Meant of course to to give me fear but it was to describe what Jesus went through on the cross and he said blow anything that robs your peace I bore it for you and he said when I was terrorized on the cross and I had visions of the those Bulls of aan Goring me to death he said I saw you and I knew you you would have those dreams and be terrorized and so God turned that whole thing around and gave me so much peace and Set Me Free From Fear I've never had any more nightmares at all since that happened God's so beautiful and he wants us to live in peace and so anything that robs your peace that makes you stress out or anxious take it to the Lord he's already felt that he's already gone through that for you and won the victory he said for this reason was the son of God manifest to destroy the works of the evil one just a couple of little quick Miracles because you all are as radical as I am so you'll believe this is God Angels were involved um we were we were in U Spokane and in a motel room and I had lost 50 lbs or so in two months and my ring was really loose I was twirling it sitting on the bed but so tired I wanted to go to bed and go to sleep and and I I don't know if I said it out loud but I I was thinking you know I really need to move that ring to my middle finger it's going to fall off one of these days I was too tired to think about it so I went to bed went to sleep excuse me the next morning I woke up and there was no ring on my finger at all I said whoa where did my wedding ring go Jay was all frantic tearing the bed apart he helped me and we stripped the bed under it looked under all the furniture you know just went through everything no ring and so we talked to the front desk when we left and told them about it they said they'd keep an eye out and return it you know if if they found it so we came home it was about a week later and um I went in to uh get ready to go somewhere and I took my little jewelry box that I hadn't opened since I was in Spokan and I unzipped it and to to get ready and right there on the top of it was my ring sitting right there on the top shelf thank you shut your guest is as good as mine but I have no other explanation except an angel had fun with this one cuz we were in Spokan and I when I found it it was in my bathroom you know we live 17 miles out of L so but I'm glad the Angels knew where to bring it so I'm so happy to get it back and then just a couple other real quick uh Miracles you might be interested in is I found actually I'll just tell about one but uh twice now I i' i' lost um a pair of earrings well one earring that my dad had given my mom and they were real precious to me and I didn't want to lose it cuz I wore it every now and then with purple thingies on it anyway um I was so bmed and we looked and looked and could find it one day at the Cancer Center down here in Liston it was a rainy day snowy kind of nasty and we went to get in the car and I saw something sparkling down there on the the around and I turned around I looked I said Jay look my earring and I went picked up that earring and that was my mom's earring you know that I was so bed about losing and the only thing I can think of we hadn't been there to that cancer center down here in Lon for 2 weeks so how'd it get there on the ground so I've had that happen at least three times with jewelry so God knows he he knows how to get me to laugh so I want to give you before I share a couple verses here real quick the doctor's report I've already told you was positive um the last few times but some of her wording uh was so amazing right at first the the first the second time we went up there and I was beginning to show some progress uh she as she was leaving the room she turned around and winked at me and she said and smiled and she said I think we're on the right path and God had given me that scripture earlier about the path of the just gets brighter and brighter so I said okay there's something I can agree with that the doctor is saying that my path we're on the right path but she used the words great fantastic wonderful beautiful um marvelous miraculous simply beautiful and no concerning activ ity um and you wrap those all up and seems to me that agrees with the word no weapon formed against you can prosper and by his stripes we are healed amen amen um one real quick story I want to tell you that I have left out before and my husband reminds me cuz he's involved in it I love him so much um excuse me the word says perfect love casts out fear and uh I have always had this uh thing against dentists and um they told me before I could start treatment I had to have a clearance from the dentist that meant I had to go not only have thorough cleaning but I had to have any work done that needed to be done and I did need some work done and I needed a um some Roots taken out um root canals anyway so we had to go through that but we decided to do the sedation so that I wouldn't have to go through that and so I was at peace with that I'm going to get I'm Be Sedated I won't you know don't feel anything and we can get this clearance out of the way and I can go get my treatment well God had a plan set this girl free so we went to spok hand of the appointment we go in and start getting all ready and the doctor comes in and and we said something about being sedated and he said we don't sedate in this office I said we said well that's what we came for and that's what the doctor ordered and that's you know what our understanding was and he said oh no we just give you laughing gas and a shot you know and that's all we do and so we were we were really like oh okay shot you know and I was just really stressing and U uh so and in the meantime the Lord has showed me dentists that I needed to forgive three of them one of them has long gone to heaven hopefully that um my when he NE through he said I'll I'll leave through you guys talk about it what do you want to do we can just get that done today if you want to you know jump up there in the chair and get her done so I was crying and I said I can't do this Jay he said he said glow we have just this window of opportunity before you can start your treatment and and you have to have the dental clearance complete before we can do that and we need to get the treatment going and so he he just reached down and took my hand and looked me in the eyes and I have never felt from him the love of God like I did that day and he said low you are the strongest woman I know and he said you can get up there and get that dental work done we need it done today and he said you know you can do it and it was like a breath of fresh air from Heaven just filled my heart and I said okay I recognize that as you father using my husband so I climbed up in a chair he went and got the dentist he came in and I assumed I would have to like almost grip my teeth except I couldn't do that out with my mouth open but he just all I felt was a little prick of the deadening needle and 2 minutes later he went he said well that was easy and he said we're done you're done he said yeah I told you it wouldn't be take much to get him out of there I was so shocked and I knew that I had gotten another miracle because God wanted me to understand that perfect love casts out fear and he's the only one with the perfect love so but we can be vessels of that at that moment my husband was a vessel of that perfect love so we can spread that amongst each other isn't that wonderful right when this whole journey started I forgot to tell you that my husband took me in the wheelchair and we went with another pastor friend and we went to the north Georgia Revival in uh in Georgia I don't know if any of you heard about it Dawsonville Georgia but um they've been in Revival now for um I think they're on week 370 or 390 or something like that anyway Miracle after Miracle after Miracles happening when they baptize them in the water and uh god Set this all up they started with one baptismal and they've gone to four now in the church and every Sunday night they have people come from all over the the world and they are healed when they're baptized in that water it's not the water but the water it is it holds the presence in the enting of the Holy Spirit the Healer and so we went uh we felt led to go and he had to help me every step of the way he had to dress me I mean I just didn't have any strength to do anything and getting in and off the airplane and going through the airports and stuff was quite a challenge and he was so gracious and helpful and uh so was our pastor friend Steve Kingsley and uh we we were I was baptized and Jay got in too and into the water and they baptized us and uh and then I just came home just with that knowing I didn't have any Visible Changes right away but I knew that I'd been in the presence of the Lord I knew that water was a symbol of the presence of the Living Water that we talked about and being dipped in the pool like the Lord said today that you guys don't have to go to Georgia you can be right here you're in the pool just receive it today I hope I shared what I should share you know that God has been so amazing all the scriptures and the and the direction that he gave me I did have radiation um for I only had to have like five um plate holes um whatever they do radiated but uh they explained to me that I was I had so much cancer in my pelvic and hips that I could sit down too hard on a chair and break break bones and I had to be really really careful not just about uh not being around people cuz I couldn't have my immune system compromised but I had to be really careful not to fall or to break anything and so they explained to me about how vital it was at least those five spots needed to be zapped with radiation and that was again another miracle the doctor ended up praying for me and I prayed for him and he was a Christian so it just amazing the way the Lord just LED our steps I told you about the Bulls of Bashan I forgot to tell you the scripture God gave me after Jesus talked about being encircled by those and he took whatever would Rob my peace then he led me to this scripture and it says you have made me strong as a charging bull your anointing has made me strong and mighty you've empowered my life for Triumph by pouring fresh oil over me isn't that an amazing scripture that's in the passion Psalms 9210 and um wa did I grapple the back I thought there you go devil you're trying to steal my joy and my peace and and you can't do that because God's made me the charging bull I want to encourage you to let us hold fast the confession of our hope hope is number one if you don't have hope and make plans for a future then the enemy will give you plenty of plans for your death when you're sick and you've been given a Destin you think about that a lot and so don't plan your funeral don't plan you know to die plan to live and the Lord actually had me write a list of goals and dreams and visions and things that I could see myself doing down the road holding my grandbaby and my great granddaughter I'm riding the four-wheeler around the ranch and the first day I could do that was just a joy so I'm so thrilled you know to be able to have strength to do things now I'm just so thankful anyway he says to hang on to that hope let us hold fast the confession of Our Hope without wavering for he who promised is faithful so when you pray tell him that you know he is faithful When you pray tell him that you know that you're precious to him you know that he loves you so much you know that he shed his blood for you so you could live when you tell him those things he loves it he wants you well he wants you to be healed this is no surprise to him when you get diagnosed he saw this the day you were born he wrot wrote your name on the palm of his hand and Psalms 139 says that he had your life all planned out since before you were born and there's more than enough Mercy every morning his mercies are new and he's got more than enough grace and mercy to cover that day and we only have to live one day at a time but do make a a goal list a life list choose life the Bible said to choose life so my uh key verse for my body and my um continuation is uh walking it out is that my body glows with health and my very bones vibrate with life I just love that uh Proverbs 38 in the message I'll say it again my body glows with health and my very bones vibrate with life not with cancer with life and Jesus said when we eat his flesh and drink his blood we are ingesting life eternal life and the more life you get in you what happens to the death what happens to the darkness take in life and light and the Darkness has to flee so that's why communion has been such an important part of my walk and then um this one Christ will be magnified and he'll get glory and praise in this body of mine and he will be boldly exalted in my person and um there are so many so many scriptures um Jesus said uh he he was um coming back to the Pharisees that didn't like him much and uh he said the prince of this world has nothing in me so uh and then he said as I am so are you in this world so uh I had to think Jesus my life is hid in Christ Jesus and Jesus had nothing of Satan in him and so cancer can't be there in Jesus right he can't be in me me cuz my life is hid in Christ and so that became very special to me too and then I thought I had one more but um okay I'm going to wrap it up with 2 Corinthians 4:9 and it says we are pressed on every Side by troubles anybody ever feel like they've been pressed by troubles but I love this but we are not crushed we are perplexed but we're not driven to despair we are hunted down but we're never abandoned by God we get knocked down but we are not destroyed so you and I are Victors we're not victims we're Overcomers amen and Jesus made is that way he bore it all for us and I love what Karen said you know we praying ahead of time is you know just how did you say that um he wouldn't he's not the thief he's not going to take it away from you and if you lost it you've lost your joy You've Lost Your Health infusion and stuff um I was shocked at how God had replaced that with compassion so much love and compassion for the people that going through that sorry I think there might be a little bit still there but you know those people don't have hope they don't know that there's hope they don't know that there's healing and we have to tell them we have to tell them they're just looking for a smile that's right they're looking for a that's right they're looking for somebody to say that they are worth something they are valuable yes amen they belong in this world right now for this time amen amen sorry I didn't know that was going to hit me but um feel free to take my testimony and and give it out in fact I've thought about going down and I would go with any of you uh to the cancer center down here and and pray with people as they leave and and just give them one of these I've had several opportunities to pray with people and give them my testimony in Spokan at the in the um chemotherapy room when I go in for my infusion for my bone strengthen her and uh what a blessing you know that's our purpose amen our purpose as New Covenant Believers we're supposed to be dispensers amen I love the way it says in Corinthians that we are dispensers of his Covenant of his love so see is not for cancer for me C is for Covenant so I want to thank you all for listening and thank you for praying for me and I appreciate continued prayers God's doing a great thing and and he wants you well too so I will continue praying for you you lead us in communion pardon me you lead us in communion absolutely
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