Prayer for watchmen

ISAIAH 56: 1&2a, 7-12


And intercessors


Father God,

You have revealed your righteousness to us. Your salvation
has come to us through Jesus Christ. Because of Him we can keep justice, do
right, and conform to your will. I am blessed because I have laid hold of this
truth and bind myself to it.

Thank you for bringing me to your holy mountain and making me
joyful in your house of prayer. Jesus has become my burnt offerings and his
sacrifice has been accepted on your alter. Your house oh Lord shall be called a
house of prayer for all people.

Lord, you said you would gather all Israel’s outcasts as well
as others besides those already gathered.
I pray for Israel’s watchmen and all who you have called to be
intercessors, that the blinders would come off our spiritual eyes and that the
eyes of our understanding would be enlightened.
I pray that we would be flooded with light in our inner man and that we
would know the hope of our calling, the riches of your grace and the power that
dwell in us. I pray that we would have the knowledge of you and know from
personal experience of your mercy and your faithfulness.  

May we be like dogs that bark, leading sheep to the good
shepherd and warning of impending dangers. We will neither slumber nor sleep.

We say to the watchmen “awake, arise, let your lights shine.
Let all be satisfied and filled who are hungry and thirsty. It is you Lord –
more of you –we long for.

Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done and established in the

I pray for shepherds who have understanding and knowledge of
your word and of your grace. Deliver us from our own selfish ways and desires
and from seeking our own gain. Raise up watchmen – raise up shepherds – raise
up intercessors who will drink the new wine of your spirit and lead your people
into the truth of your grace.   Amen!      

 New covenant changes – Glo Richards